Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Accepting Love from others!

This is a cute story. Since we've been going to the park, as skeptical as River is, she never let others pet her for too long. There's this guy who also has a Labrador has been trying to make her comfortable and play with her. Every time he approaches her, no matter how gentle, she runs away. Well, his girlfriend came to the park and went to her. She let herself be pet and hugged. He's the historical picture of River letting someone other than us pet her.
That day she was full energy. She was running and even ran over another dog. I was just amazed.
We're slowly working on down and up. Since treats dont work. It's been harder than I thought. But she's getting the hang of it. She knows to stay at least in the car's trunk and stop when we're walking.
I took her to the vet and got her heartworm meds. It was very easy to give it to her as its like a treat. I put it in my hand like I do with her food. She just licked it and ate it. The other thing that was weird to me is that when they weight her at the vet's office, they said that she's only 35 pounds, when at the shelter they said that she was 45. I actually have seen her gain weight, that means she was probably even less... Maybe all those days without eating and all her running.
Today, I have to admit that I've been looking for clothes for her. Not necessarily to dress her like a doll ( although at least once I might) but preparing for the winter. I'm starting to look into sweaters for her.

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