Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First Sighting!

River is still not home. We miss her so much everyday. As I drive towards my house, my heart always jumps to the possibility that she would be laying by our door step. My dream hasn't come true yet.

I've been having dog dreams/nightmares since the day she left. I think is the fear that something has happened to her. Yesterday someone left me a voicemail saying they had seen her. The lady who called didn't leave more information, so I couldn't call her back for details. She said she had seen the flyer and then saw the dog in the company of two other strays down the road from where I live, very close to where Hubby works.

I did a drive by and gave out more flyers. Was it her? Is she still ok? I don't know... All I know is that I miss my baby and I need her home.

Two of the dog park friends have offered to do another walk/drive by on Friday with their dogs. It would be Kary's first opportunity to join us in this search. Lets pray that we find her soon.

Monday, October 6, 2008

First Day!

Hi again

My mommy has decided that since everyone liked when I spoke yesterday I should be the one updating this blog.

The second floor was a mistery to me. Since I moved here they had this gate at the top of the stairs and I wonder what was behind it. My parents woke up early and started cleaning the house. They are trying to teach me to go to the bathroom outside. My mommy made an every 2 hr schedule. I did pretty good, but sometimes I couldn't wait the 2 hrs and had about two accidents. My parents didn't look happy. My mommy also put me on this cage for a little while. I didn't like it. I rather run around the house. I wasn't scared, cried or anything. I just don't like it in there. I had toys and a blanket with me, but I was just looking forward to get out. She said she did that because tomorrow she goes back to work and that's where I'm going to stay. Oh well, I guess I'll have to get use to it.

I finally made it, it's so big and spacious. I can rollover the floor...and guess what, more toys!!!! YAY!!

Everyone who sees me, thinks that my sister has come back. My parents have to explain over and over that I'm a new baby. They decided it was time to go back to sleep upstairs. Don't be mistaken, we're still looking for my sister. I actually did some sniffing when I went outside... give me some time. I'm working on it.

My mommy and I took a nap after my daddy went to work. We were very tired from all the cleaning we did. When my mommy got up she needed to finish laundry. I was trying to help. Here am I. She was laughing... I don't know why???Until next time

Kary Grace!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Meet Kary Grace!

Hello everyone, my name is Kary Grace.

My story is a little long, so I hope you hang tight and enjoy the reading.

I don't remember too much of my beginnings, but it seems like I've been traveling most of my life. I was tired of that, as I saw a lot of doggies with families and I didn't have one. One day I approached a very nice lady because I was very hungry. She was not a dog person but felt sorry for me and took me in. She tried to find my owners but she couldn't so she tried to find me a forever home.

She took me to a dog park and met some nice people ( who are now my aunts and uncles) and when they heard about me, they immediately thought of my parents. My parents went to church and when they left they had a message to come meet me at the park. They just fell in love... well, who wouldn't... I'm adorable!!!!

The lady who had me was very good to me, but I had never gone to a doctor. I didn't think I needed one, I feel perfectly fine. My mom found a doctor open on a Sunday (that woman is persistent, I tell you!) and took me there. I was poked and prodded... I did not appreciate that, but they said it was for my own good. I guess I can live with that. The doctor thinks I'm about 8 months old...hmm I think that means I might have a birthday coming up! They said I'm healthy but not spayed, whatever that is... My mommy said that she will have they do that on me in the next couple of weeks. I hope it doesn't hurt much. They also put a thing around my neck that I'm not too fond of, it's attached to a chain that they use to walk with me...yuck!

Then it was the discussion of my name... I thought my name was Hey, that what everyone called me all my life. My dad was hung up on Carrie, my mom has some online friends with that name and explained to my dad they might be offended by having a puppy with their name, my daddy wouldn't bulge. So they negotiated to change the spelling and that's how I became Kary. My mom is so happy that I'm here, that the grace of God kept me healthy and that I came to their house at this point in their lives that she made my middle name Grace (of course, she tried that for first name, but you just heard that my daddy wouldn't bulge...LOL). I'm pretty smart, couple of times heard my name and now I know its me. I also already figured out that if they say the whole thing is because I'm somewhere they don't want me to be or doing something they don't want me to do... but it's so much fun mommy!!!!

My mommy also says that I have an older sister, River. She's been lost for a few days. My parents say I look a lot like her, although I am way more playful. But I don't' bark either, which makes mommy very happy. I think I understand. She's probably trying to see the world like I was... I'm tired of that life and rather know where I sleep and eat. She will be back as soon as she figures that out too. I'm hoping she comes back soon. It would be so neat to have an older sister to play with. I know my parents love me, but they're still very sad about my sister not being home. We're all going to stay in the living room for a little longer to see if she comes, paws down!!!! Maybe, I can sniff her and call her back home, who knows!

This place is like wonderland, OMG, my sister had so many toys. I'm trying not to break any of them, but can't make any promises. My mommy says she didn't like treats, but I do... They have so many, I'm having a blast. I found out that if they say sit and I do, they give you cookies around here, isn't that the greatest thing!!!! Cookies just for sitting, who knew! I also love to play dead. I lay on my back with my head all the way back like I'm sun bathing. It's just comfortable, I don't know why but it cracks my parents up.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself, and let you know that I have found a home. Would you do me a favor? Would you join your paws tonight and pray that my sister comes home soon? I want to see my parents happy and I know our family will not be complete until she comes back

Until next time,

Kary Grace!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I'm not sure how many people read this blog. But if you do...know that our baby is missing. She bolted our of hubby's hand yesterday morning and despite great efforts to find her it has not been possible. If you're in the Norcross are and you see her, please page us on our comment section! Thank you! We're missing her terribly.