Thursday, August 21, 2008


This is the baby with her first Rawhide. I was in the kitchen, she was in the living room. I heard her chewing... she was chewing her brush. Good mommy said: " no, no, no" and took it off and gave her a rawhide. She ran up the stairs with it to her bed and stayed there all night until she finished it. Here are the pictures.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Life at the park

Well, our little girl is doing soo much these days, or maybe its me as a new fur mommy that sees everything in her. The other night, hubby and I were looking at her. She doesn't play with her toys or like treats. Her toys are usually on her crate and she spends most of her time in her bed in our bedroom. I decided to pull the "rope" toy and put it on her bed. I thought I was going to be able to play with her and the toy...nope. She will play with it by herself, as soon as we grab it, she lets it go. I try to tickle her nose with it, she doesn't even attempt to grab it.

Her most attached time to me is when we're at the doggy park. I think that is because I'm the only thing that's familiar to her. She plays with other dogs for a little while and then she detach from the pack and rides alone for some time until one of them goes to get her. She totally ignores the puppies that bark at her trying to get her to play. The only thing that I've noticed is that she gets jealous when other dogs try to play with me. She comes running to move them out of the way, but then she takes off again. Too funny.

She found her first plastic fork and crushed it on her bed. I think hubby was making dishes and let that one slipped to the floor. I was more concern of her choking on the thing, but apparently I got to her first. Hubby told me for the first time last week that he didn't know that having a dog would be this much responsibility. I really don't care. I totally love her and she's here to stay.

She's picked up on her eating. For the last two days, she has eaten twice in a day. Hubby filled her bowl in the am. When I got home from work it was totally clean. Then I filled it up when we came from the park. When I got up this morning, it was gone. She was soo tired last night,she didn't want to accompany me to pick him up.

That's were we are so far.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I called this blog "Revenge" because River has given me a taste of my own medicine about the things I was laughing at my husband. As a good fur mommy, I know my baby need her exercise. Since my husband was working last night, my options were very slim. I would either cook diner, watch TV or play in the computer, walk the dog @ 9pm and wait until 11pm to pick him up (this is what I do every night) or do something different. I found a doggy park and decided to give it a try.

We drive to the doggy park. Usually River rides in the trunk (its open I have an SUV), She usually waits until I open the door. I put the leash and she comes out, not this time. I was distracted talking on my cell phone. I open the door and she just took off. I left the car open and went behind her. I tried not to run at first to see if she would come to me, but I called her name several times and she just kept going, so it was time for me to run too! She headed towards the street. No matter how many times I called her name, she didn't' stop. She got in the middle of the street and the cars had to stop for her. I was horrified. She got off the street but kept running. I sat on the sidewalk begging her to come, she slowed down and finally came near enough for me to grab her collar. I think she got scared that I grabbed her, because for a while, when I tried to approach her she would run away.

We finally made it to the park. After that experience I was leary to let her off the leash, but other fur parents convinced me to let her free and I did. She had so much fun and in that process she started coming back to me until it was time to go. These are pictures of her at the doggy park.

Back at home she tried it again, but this time I was ready and was able to catch her before she made it far. I'm considering some training classes because the last thing I want is to lose her to an accident.

Speaking of accidents, we have had two bathroom accidents. The first one I blame my husband for. She's use to going out in the morning at 7am, he didn't get up and when he tried to take her at 9am it was too late. The one today its part of this training issue. We tried to get her out of the house. She wouldn't come down the stairs to get out. He went to her and I did on several occasions . We put the leash and try to get her to walk, nothing, she wanted to play. Usually if we go downstairs she follows, so we did, but being in the playful mode she was, as soon as she saw us she would dash upstairs again. I decided to go upstairs to try to get her down one more time. It was too late, the accident was already in the carpet and now she decided she wanted to walk!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I had not written in a while because I like to include new pictures. But it's been so busy that we have no new pictures at this time. Not that she looks any different...LOL

Things are so much better with River. She's starting to enjoy her walks. She has finally accepted treats and food from hubby. Oh yeah, btw...she's eating by herself!!! She's still not very active, which I have no problem with that as I'm usually tired after work. She got out of the crate and sleeps with us in her bed in our bedroom. She loves that bed. I've seen her play with her paws turning around it it. It's hilarious!!!

She loves to watch tv. Treats and games are not her thing, at least for now. She can me a menace already. She made hubby run yesterday. He was taking out the trash and because she usually fears the door he didn't pay attention and she took of running. He thought she was truly escaping. She just wanted to be chased. He says that when he stopped running, she would stop and stand like 3 feet from him and if he tried to grab her then she would take off again, but she never left the front of the house, so she was just trying to play with him. I was at work when he told me, I was laughing... he didn't find it funny... I was rolling!!

She's truly a sweetheart. I look at her and can't understand how someone was able to hurt her. I was cleaning one of her wounds on her chest last night and she didnt' even move; and I'm sure it had to hurt some. She didn't whine or nothing.

I don't know if God has human children in store for my future. River will always be my first child.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

We made it, First week!

Our baby has been doing a lot better. Her tail is slowly coming out from between her legs. last night for the first time she came upstairs and slept with us in her bed, instead of the crate. This morning, she woke us up, letting us know it was time to take her out.

We are still struggling with food. She's only eating when hand fed. We have to basically be in a room w/her, no distractions and insist on her to eat. There are days when we have left it up to her and she has decided not to eat. For the moment, we've tried to make sure that she eats at least every other day, because even hand fed, she doesn't eat much.

Leash training is coming along. She still gets scare when anyone approaches us in our strolls. She's a speed walker. Her chest wounds have not healed, but she's been doing OK with just the collar and the leash. She hasn't tried to escape. She's getting the hang of the routine. Its hard for her to do anything if its not absolutely quiet. Hubby is more successful in his 1pm walk, than the 7am, because everyone is coming out of the houses to go to work and she doesn't take it too well. I do pretty good in mine. I take her around 9 pm. It's pretty dark and quiet, so it's not too much trouble.One week and still accident free. She has started to play with herself by rolling in the carpet chasing her paws....LOL

I'm working on teaching her how to sit. Since she doesn't do treats, I've been working with just praises. We're going out to start our weekend. I asked my husband if we were taking her with us. He said, absolutely! My only concern is that we're mostly going to be running errands so she's going to spend most of the time in the car and one of us would have to stay behind. We'll see how it all works out

River and hubby's relationship is improving. She still prefers me...(nobody tell my husband...LOL). In the last couple of days, he has been able to feed her, walk her, and somewhat play. It was him who got her to come up the stairs to our bedroom and jump on our bed. Everyday we're loving her more. Last night hubby and I had an argument. Conscious of her fears, we got her out of the room. She cried by the door and begged to be in. We let her in, she ran to my side and just cuddled me. I started crying because I saw how she was trying to comfort me knowing that I was upset.

I thank God everyday for my precious angels!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Successful Night!

I had a very hard time choosing a title for today. So many good things happened last night I'm thanking God for this angel that in just a few days has changed our house and lives.Now to business...lolFirst of all, SHE ATE!!!! Last night as I was making dinner, I guess the smells got her out of the crate and she made it into the kitchen. Her food is in the pantry. I pulled out some treats and she went for it. (So far treats had not worked either). So I sat in the floor and started hand feeding her food like the treats, putting handfuls in the floor. She ate about 5 handfuls, which I guesstimate is almost a bowl. My phone rang and I said to myself, "sorry, but my baby is eating now".As new fur parents we also make our mistakes and this baby is so good she doesn't even complain. Apparently the harness we bought was scratching her skin, we had not noticed that she had previous bruises on her chest and the harness was either too tight or the material didn't sit well with her. She’s been skeptic we have not been able to get too close to notice. My husband finally notices yesterday and he was so upset that she might have been hurting that he cut the harness off. He told me on the phone about it, so I went to the store and bought a new one. When I saw her, I decided that I didn't want to put the harness on until her scrapes heal.The question was how are we going to walk her now? The reason for the harness was that she tries to pull herself out of the leash and if we only use the neck collar she might get off and run away. Well, again success! I ventured into walking her with the leash and the neck collar. This time I didn't drag her out the door. I put the leash; she walks at least to the door, once the door opens, she starts backing out. I carried her out the door this time and closed behind me so that she couldn't run back in. We had our evening workout without issues. She strolled, which for my unfit self is running...LOL when I pulled to redirect her, she responded. We went to the mailbox and she patiently waited for me to get the mail out of the box. It was great!Later, it was time to pick up my husband from work. I've realized that she doesn't work with treats, but praises, at least for now. I want to make a routine for her to ride in the car when we go pick hubby. I'm sure she thought "where are we going? we already walked". I had to carry her into the car and out, mostly due to time constraints, but she had a pleasant ride and met hubby's co-workers who fell in love with her. Last but not least event of the night. Hubby was sort of sad that I was able to feed her and he couldn't get her to come near him. He sat in the living room for dinner. I was on the other sofa and she was just laying on my feet. At some point she decided to give him a try and started sniffing on his food. I got him some treats. He placed the treat in the leftover juices on his plate and she munched away and couldn't get enough. Then she started licking his hands. I know it made his night and she seemed happy when we went to bed.

Overall, I'm so happy that she's starting to adjust. I had the opportunity to inspect her coat while we were in the car waiting for hubby outside of work and found scabs of old injuries, that made me sad. I am happy that she's with us. She has more love than she can handle.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Starting The Journey!

My husband and I have been talking about getting a dog. I had my reservations. Ironically it was me who found River. I knew I wanted a rescue dog because it breaks my heart the fact that I know they put them down for lack of homes, but I know I wanted a dog with a low temperament and my husband would not be a good judge of character because he just wanted a dog!.

I went by myself, not with the intention of getting a dog. I wanted to observe them to see what I would want on my future dog. I knew we had our heart on getting a Labrador, they had 2: River 2yrs old and a 7 month old puppy. River was so quiet and sweet on her crate. Someone approached me and asked me if I wanted to meet her. They got her out of the crate and gave her to me on a leash and told me I could walk her around. So I did... She was very friendly. We walked right through an obedience class. The other dogs went crazy, she didn't even acknowledge them... We went through an aisle and she was sniffing something, I thought she was going to grab it. I said stop...she sat. I said... OMG. I would never find another dog as well behaved. So I fell in love.

I went to pick up hubby from work. Read him the bill of rights on his responsibilities. We went back. He took her out of the crate and played w/him...but the vet, who is the person from the shelter was there (thinking back).We signed papers and walked her around the store. She was fine. When we were about to leave the store, that she saw us crossing the doors, she realized "oh, oh... we're leaving". She started pulling back trying to escape the leash trying to go back to the vet. And that's were the saga started.

She's very smart. Hubby carried her to the car. Then we went the store for supplies. He stayed w/her in the car and I went in. Everything was fine...Until we got home. At home she didn't want to get out of the car. That was the first time we noticed that she was shaking like a leaf when he tried to get her out.So I sat with her in the back seat for a looooong time and again, he ended carrying her into the house. We pour out the food and the water... nothing. We try giving her treats..Nada

I took her for a walk. She ran. I am a heavy set , out of shape woman. Poor baby was scared. For me it was a workout. Hubby says that all he saw was something flashing through the back of the house and he said" Its that my wife running?". Hilarious!!!

Up to know she has only drank water. She tries to bite the leash when we walk her. She responds to me a little and even less to hubby. We called the shelter for suggestions and more background. They were not helpful at all as they were defensive to my questions thinking we wanted to bring her back.

Our baby is going to be OK. We'll just keep working on loving her every single day!