Saturday, August 16, 2008


I called this blog "Revenge" because River has given me a taste of my own medicine about the things I was laughing at my husband. As a good fur mommy, I know my baby need her exercise. Since my husband was working last night, my options were very slim. I would either cook diner, watch TV or play in the computer, walk the dog @ 9pm and wait until 11pm to pick him up (this is what I do every night) or do something different. I found a doggy park and decided to give it a try.

We drive to the doggy park. Usually River rides in the trunk (its open I have an SUV), She usually waits until I open the door. I put the leash and she comes out, not this time. I was distracted talking on my cell phone. I open the door and she just took off. I left the car open and went behind her. I tried not to run at first to see if she would come to me, but I called her name several times and she just kept going, so it was time for me to run too! She headed towards the street. No matter how many times I called her name, she didn't' stop. She got in the middle of the street and the cars had to stop for her. I was horrified. She got off the street but kept running. I sat on the sidewalk begging her to come, she slowed down and finally came near enough for me to grab her collar. I think she got scared that I grabbed her, because for a while, when I tried to approach her she would run away.

We finally made it to the park. After that experience I was leary to let her off the leash, but other fur parents convinced me to let her free and I did. She had so much fun and in that process she started coming back to me until it was time to go. These are pictures of her at the doggy park.

Back at home she tried it again, but this time I was ready and was able to catch her before she made it far. I'm considering some training classes because the last thing I want is to lose her to an accident.

Speaking of accidents, we have had two bathroom accidents. The first one I blame my husband for. She's use to going out in the morning at 7am, he didn't get up and when he tried to take her at 9am it was too late. The one today its part of this training issue. We tried to get her out of the house. She wouldn't come down the stairs to get out. He went to her and I did on several occasions . We put the leash and try to get her to walk, nothing, she wanted to play. Usually if we go downstairs she follows, so we did, but being in the playful mode she was, as soon as she saw us she would dash upstairs again. I decided to go upstairs to try to get her down one more time. It was too late, the accident was already in the carpet and now she decided she wanted to walk!

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