Monday, August 4, 2008

Starting The Journey!

My husband and I have been talking about getting a dog. I had my reservations. Ironically it was me who found River. I knew I wanted a rescue dog because it breaks my heart the fact that I know they put them down for lack of homes, but I know I wanted a dog with a low temperament and my husband would not be a good judge of character because he just wanted a dog!.

I went by myself, not with the intention of getting a dog. I wanted to observe them to see what I would want on my future dog. I knew we had our heart on getting a Labrador, they had 2: River 2yrs old and a 7 month old puppy. River was so quiet and sweet on her crate. Someone approached me and asked me if I wanted to meet her. They got her out of the crate and gave her to me on a leash and told me I could walk her around. So I did... She was very friendly. We walked right through an obedience class. The other dogs went crazy, she didn't even acknowledge them... We went through an aisle and she was sniffing something, I thought she was going to grab it. I said stop...she sat. I said... OMG. I would never find another dog as well behaved. So I fell in love.

I went to pick up hubby from work. Read him the bill of rights on his responsibilities. We went back. He took her out of the crate and played w/him...but the vet, who is the person from the shelter was there (thinking back).We signed papers and walked her around the store. She was fine. When we were about to leave the store, that she saw us crossing the doors, she realized "oh, oh... we're leaving". She started pulling back trying to escape the leash trying to go back to the vet. And that's were the saga started.

She's very smart. Hubby carried her to the car. Then we went the store for supplies. He stayed w/her in the car and I went in. Everything was fine...Until we got home. At home she didn't want to get out of the car. That was the first time we noticed that she was shaking like a leaf when he tried to get her out.So I sat with her in the back seat for a looooong time and again, he ended carrying her into the house. We pour out the food and the water... nothing. We try giving her treats..Nada

I took her for a walk. She ran. I am a heavy set , out of shape woman. Poor baby was scared. For me it was a workout. Hubby says that all he saw was something flashing through the back of the house and he said" Its that my wife running?". Hilarious!!!

Up to know she has only drank water. She tries to bite the leash when we walk her. She responds to me a little and even less to hubby. We called the shelter for suggestions and more background. They were not helpful at all as they were defensive to my questions thinking we wanted to bring her back.

Our baby is going to be OK. We'll just keep working on loving her every single day!

1 comment:

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

Your baby will be just fine.... she is just scared to the new environment. Just keep loving on her and she will get used to her new surroundings! What a cutie!